Cadu Ribeiro

Cadu Ribeiro

Coffee addicted Software Engineer

Evaluate your ruby code directly from VIM

Evaluate your ruby code directly from VIM

- 1 min

When I am writing code, usually I want to evaluate some piece of code. I used to do the following actions:

The first option needs an extra work of copying and pasting content. I prefer the second option, but sometimes I forgot to attach the VTR pane and get errors.

Now I’m using along with plugin

I set my .vimrc with the following content (I use Plug to manage my dependencies):

Plug 't9md/vim-ruby-xmpfilter'
" Enable seeing-is-believing mappings only for Ruby
let g:xmpfilter_cmd = "seeing_is_believing"
autocmd FileType ruby nmap <buffer> <F4> <Plug>(seeing_is_believing-mark)
autocmd FileType ruby xmap <buffer> <F4> <Plug>(seeing_is_believing-mark)
autocmd FileType ruby imap <buffer> <F4> <Plug>(seeing_is_believing-mark)
autocmd FileType ruby nmap <buffer> <F6> <Plug>(seeing_is_believing-clean)
autocmd FileType ruby xmap <buffer> <F6> <Plug>(seeing_is_believing-clean)
autocmd FileType ruby imap <buffer> <F6> <Plug>(seeing_is_believing-clean)
autocmd FileType ruby nmap <buffer> <F5> <Plug>(seeing_is_believing-run)
autocmd FileType ruby xmap <buffer> <F5> <Plug>(seeing_is_believing-run)
autocmd FileType ruby imap <buffer> <F5> <Plug>(seeing_is_believing-run)

Now I can visual select my code, use F4 to mark and that line will be evaluated, press F5 and get the result of that code. After, I can clean all marks with F6.


Cheers, 🍻

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